okr tracker startup

Pro OKR template with KPI and PPP team tracker tool in Google Sheets for startups

Track and analyse your business targets in one Google Sheet that won’t piss off your staffBuy €69Managing your staff shouldn’t be a pain. Offer them something they will use Google Sheets: Collaborate in the cloud All in one: Your KPI, OKR and PPP all in one place, not in multiple sheets Based on research: The system is based on what …

How does European startup employee ownership compare to the US

How does European startup employee ownership share plan compare to the US

TL;DR: Understand how a European share plan compares to that in the United States. Detailed report. As usual, the US is a leader in pretty much all things startup and startup employee ownership is no different. As an employee of a startup, one would think that their shareholding (ESOP) would be the most critical thing they would care about. Let’s …

ESOP Template and Step by Step Guide to Retain and Attract Top Staff

Hiring and retaining talent is hard. Be betterThe only Excel model to structure an incentive structure to attract, promote, and retain your most valuable asset. Your team Competiton for talent is frankly insane. If you can find them, their options are how they get rich so they need to be motivated Most founders just tell lawyers “give me what is …

ESOP terms cheat sheet

ESOP Terms Cheat sheet

Want to know all the ESOP terms? Here’s a nice cheat sheet for you. In my Udemy course called “The best guide to startup Employee Share Option Plan (ESOP)“ (Check it out by following the link at get a $5 discount) I was asked for a cheat sheet of all the key terms so students could more easily understand them. …

How to ESOP Sizing

How to size startup ownership structure for employees?

What should startup ownership structure be in your startup? Do you know how the math works? It’s not very logical to pick a number out of the hat and say my ESOP is 15%. Why is it 15%? Ideally you ESOP is enough to get you from one round to the other. The logical way to size your ESOP is …