M&A presentations

Investment Banking Presentations

LEARN FROM REAL INVESTMENT BANKING PRESENTATIONS65 real presentations and 32 pages with 827 slide examplesLargest free collection of investment bank presentations and slide examples to learn about how to make M&A decks. 65 investment banking presentations from 20 of the top-tier investment banks. In addition, there are 827 examples of slides sorted across 32 sections. For the committed, you can buy …

Why we invested

Why we invested. Venture capital firms share why they backed startups

Tl;dr: If you are interested to know why venture capital firms invested in startups, fortunately, many VCs write blogs I term “Why we invested” since that’s often the title they use. This is a mega-collection of VCs sharing these thoughts that I spent a few days collecting. The value for investors is to gather learnings for your own decision-making process. …

Startup investment memo template. How one VC looks at deals

Startup investment memo template. How one VC looks at deals

Tl;dr: Steve Schlafman who worked as a VC shared a template investment memo to structure his thoughts in investing in startups. Read it to help your thinking too. Steve Schlafman worked as a VC at firms such as RRE and Primary Venture Partners. He is now a startup coach. He shared an investment memo template on Twitter and I thought …

Venture Capital Investment Memo Collection

Venture Capital Investment Memo Collection

Tl;dr; Collection of VC investment memos to invest in tech startups that have been made public by the GPs of the firms. Some are full and others are commentary as that’s the best that I can find.  If you are a startup and venture capital nerd, you have a list of cool things you’d love to know about. The problem …

marketplace financial model training videos

Marketplace financial model training videos

Here we have the training videos for the marketplace financial model. This is for model version v1.0 (as of November 2020). If you are struggling with something, sound out with what you would like explained and I’ll put up a video. Quick model overview We are going to go through the model at a high level, but enough to have …