Board deck template

Board report template by IA Ventures

TL:DR: Board report template for your startup Once you are funded by a venture capital firm, you are going to have bosses. That’s right, you aren’t in control anymore! Sorry, buddy. Monthly or quarterly you are going to have a ‘board meeting’. That meeting is going to be 1-3 hours long and will compose your board of directors and possible …

How Google sets goals: OKRs

Rick Klau explains how Google does their OKRs during a Google Startup Lab workshop. This is one of the most watched videos on OKRs that you will find! On the day Google’s acquisition of FeedBurner closed in 2007, it was also the first day of a new quarter at Google. My new manager at Google asked me to draft my …

Startup eshares onboarding staff employees

eShares 101 – How this startup manages employee onboarding

Henry Ward, CEO at eShares just posted a Medium blog on how they do their employee onboarding, and the deck they use has some decent learnings in it. “All eShares employees (new and old) take a full-day course called eShares 101. It is an introduction to our company, our values, and our execution strategy. The class size is kept small (8–10 people) so …

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action – “The Golden Circle”

“Users don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” Sinek is the author of several books on the topic of leadership. These include ‘Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action‘, which first popularized his now-famous Golden Circle concept. You can read more about this model and his background on Start With Why. Sinek’s Golden Circle idea is an …

Board deck template seed stage

Board deck template for seed stage startups from nextview vc

This is a board deck template from nextview. Once you have investors, in most cases you actually one of them (the lead) on your board of Directors. In many cases this can actually be awesome, some cases less so. In all cases where your investors have ‘information rights’ you have to provide them information on a monthly to quarterly basis. …