What is Customer Lifetime ? What is the formula and why it is important

Do you have customers that keep coming back? Would you like to know how to increase customer loyalty and ensure long-term success for your business? Customer lifetime value is key to a successful online presence, providing insights into the future of your company’s revenue. In this ultimate guide, we will discuss why customer lifetime values are essential components in your business strategy, as well as different tactics and strategies you can implement to build strong relationships with users and improve retention rates.

What is Customer Lifetime?

Customer lifetime is an incredibly insightful metric for companies to consider when nurturing relationships with their customers. It shows the kind of benefit that a customer can provide over their entire relationship with the company and can give businesses a better view of its success. Knowing not only what you may bring in from them right now, but also over time, can help guide strategies and investments to create long lasting results. Whether it’s new campaigns or better customer service offerings, understanding the customer lifetime value ensures that businesses invest wisely into maintaining and expanding those all-important relationships.

Why Is It Important For Startups To Track This Metric?

Starting a business is no easy feat, but the most successful entrepreneurs understand that tracking customer lifetimes is key for any startup’s long-term success. By tracking such metrics, business owners can have a better understanding of their customer base and recognize areas where they could increase profits. For example, understanding what drives repeat customers helps build loyalty and trust. 

Companies can easily target potential customers more effectively by leveraging data around lifetime value to create personalized marketing initiatives. Tracking customer lifetimes also allows companies to anticipate when customers may want  to give up on their product or service, which enables them to provide timely help in order to curb churn rates. 

Ultimately, understanding how long customers stay engaged with a company–and why–will open up countless opportunities for startups looking to maximize profit potential and ensure growth in the long run.

How do you calculate Customer Lifetime

Here is the formula:

CLV = average value of a purchase x number of times the customer will buy each year x average length of the customer relationship 

 To calculate CLV, you need to consider a couple of factors and use a tried-and-true formula.  These factors include the average value of a purchase, how often your customers buy each year, and the average length of their customer relationship.  Together these three items help you determine each individual customer’s lifetime worth–allowing you to make informed decisions about your next steps toward greater business success.  Armed with this knowledge, you can deepen existing relationships and find new ways acquire more customers who have high CLV potential.  Calculating CLV is an integral part of recognizing opportunities for growth in any business!

What factors affect Customer Lifetime

Let’s check out the factors that affect the metric, customer lifetime:


A customer’s likelihood of returning to purchase products or make repeat visits is a major factor in determining the customer lifetime value. If a company has high retention rates, customers will be more likely to stick around for longer and spend more money over the course of their lifetime with the brand. 

Customer Satisfaction

Satisfied customers are more likely to be loyal and stick around for longer. A company should strive to provide the best customer service possible at all times in order to maximize customer satisfaction levels.

Brand Perception

If a brand is seen in a positive light by customers, they will be more likely to purchase from them and continue doing so for a longer period of time.


Companies should use promotions and discounts to drive customers to purchase more often and stay longer with the brand. 

Value Proposition

The value proposition offered by a company is another factor that contributes to customer lifetime value. If customers feel they are getting good value from their purchase, they will be more likely to stick around for longer. 

By understanding these factors and taking steps to optimize them, companies can increase their customer lifetime value and maximize their ROI. Additionally, it helps create a loyal and committed customer base that will stay with the company for the long haul.

What are the effects of Customer Lifetime on a startup

Here are the effects of customer lifetime on a startup: 

Increased Revenue

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) helps to measure the net present value of future revenues generated from a customer over their lifetime in your business. Having customers with longer lifetimes can lead to increased revenue and profits for the startup. 

Lower Customer Acquisition Cost

Reducing customer acquisition costs will help the startup to achieve profitability faster. Retaining customers with a longer lifetime helps lower customer acquisition costs as it reduces the need to spend resources on acquiring new customers. 

Higher Customer Satisfaction

Customers with longer lifetimes are usually more satisfied than those who churn quickly. As they become familiar with your product and services, their satisfaction increases. This can result in increased customer loyalty, which can lead to more referrals and positive reviews. 

Improved Brand Awareness

As customers stay with a company longer, they are more likely to spread positive word of mouth about your startup. This helps to promote brand awareness and recognition among potential customers, which increases the chances of gaining new business. 

Improved Customer Insights

Having customers with a longer lifetime helps the startup to collect more detailed data about their behaviour, needs and preferences. This data can then be used to make better decisions regarding product development, marketing strategy and customer service initiatives. 

Overall, having customers with longer lifetimes is beneficial for any startup. It helps to increase revenue, reduce customer acquisition costs and improve customer satisfaction. Additionally, it can help to create brand awareness and provide better insights into customers’ behaviour. 

All of these factors contribute to the success of any startup, making customer lifetime value a crucial aspect for businesses to consider during their growth. 

What is a good Customer Lifetime

Having a good customer lifetime is essential for any business. It means that you are able to identify your loyal customers and offer them excellent value, so they continue purchasing from you and remain active in your customer base. To measure this, the Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) should be three times greater than your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). This means that if you spend $100 to acquire a new customer, the LTV should be at least $300. Those with higher LTV’s demonstrate the brand loyalty developing around the product or service being offered, which signifies a successful retention strategy and significant long-term growth opportunities.

What are tips to increase Customer Lifetime

Increase your CLV by the following: 

Offer discounts and rewards

Offering discounts to customers can help make them feel appreciated and valued, while also encouraging them to return for future purchases. Rewards programs are another great way to keep customers engaged with your brand by offering points or other types of incentives when they purchase from you. 

Improve customer service

Providing excellent customer service is key to increasing Customer Lifetime Value. Make sure your customers feel valued and listened to by having attentive staff that can help them with any issues they may have. 

Focus on upselling 

Upselling allows customers to purchase higher-value items, which can increase their lifetime value over time. Encourage customers to purchase complementary items, upgrade their products, or opt for customized solutions if available. 

Create a loyalty program 

Loyalty programs create an incentive for customers to stay with your business and buy from you more frequently. By offering exclusive rewards and discounts to returning customers, you can encourage them to stick around longer and remain loyal to your brand. 

Use personalization 

Personalization in marketing can be a powerful tool that helps customers feel like they are getting a unique experience tailored to their preferences and needs. Implementing personalized content, messages, and recommendations can go a long way in increasing customer lifetime value. 

Invest in post-purchase follow-ups 

Following up with customers after they make a purchase can help increase their customer lifetime value by showing that you care about their experience. These follow-ups should be thoughtful and engaging, as well as provide an understanding of how the product or service is performing. 

Invest in referral marketing 

Referral marketing is an effective way to increase customer lifetime value. Encouraging customers to refer your business to their friends or family can help you acquire more customers who are likely to be loyal and have a higher lifetime value. 

Analyze data 

Collecting and analyzing data on your customers will help you understand them better and create marketing messages that resonate with them. This will also give you an understanding of customer behavior, which can help you improve your products or services and make better decisions that can increase customer lifetime value. 

By implementing these tips, you’ll be able to increase Customer Lifetime Value and maximize the revenue generated from each individual customer. Doing so will ensure more loyal customers and greater success for your business. 


Every business wants to have a strong customer base that they can rely on for continued support. Creating a guide to customer lifetime value is the best way to ensure that your company will be able to keep its doors open for years to come. By understanding what goes into customer lifetime value, you’ll be better equipped to make decisions that will benefit your business in the long run. Thanks for reading and we hope this guide has been helpful!

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