Why you need a financial model to fundraise

Why you need a financial model to fundraise

Tl;dr: Why you need to have a financial model when you are fundraising for your startup. Investors want one and they have the cash you want. Good financial models help you to understand what you are doing to give better answers to investors which will encourage them to party with their money. Do you have to have a financial model? …

Why your financial model should forecast 3 not 5 years

Why your financial model should forecast 3 not 5 years

Tl;dr: Build a 3-year financial model and not a 5 year one. It’s easier to build and defend. More years mean more uncertainty and more questions. How many years should you be forecasting in your financial model when building a model for investors? This is a pretty nerdy question, and whilst it might seem trivial, it’s actually a core one …

How to forecast your fundraising till you exit

How to forecast your fundraising till you exit

Tl;dr: Plan your path from now to exit. How much do you need to grow at each and every stage, and how much funding do you need to support that? Free tool in Excel. NOTE: If you want it, it gets emailed to you automatically. Fill in the download box! How do you answer these questions from an investor?: How …

Excel modeling productivity addin

50Folds Excel Productivity Addin For Modeling

A collection of my most recommended productivity hacks for modeling. These are exactly what I use to build my huge models. You can have them too, now.Buy €39Swap currencies in your modelExclusive to all 50Folds fundraising models, with the press of two buttons you can change the currencies of the model. Start by picking the currency you want as per …

How to fill in a financial model template

How to fill in a financial model template

Congrats, you got one of my financial models. Now you are thinking, how the heck do I forecast my startup in a financial model template? Yup, everyone is going to wonder this, so if you are feeling lost, you’re in common company! In this blog, I’m going to take you through at a high level the broad steps you should …