Speeches worth reading

This is a collection of quality speeches worth reading because they will make you think harder and get smarter, or even be inspired to make that thing happen. Speeches  worth reading Admiral William H. McRaven, “Make Your Bed” Albert E. N. Gray, “The Common Denominator of Success” Anna Quindlen, “1999 Mount Holyoke Commencement Speech” Arno Rafael Minkkinen, “Finding Your Own Vision” Art Williams, “Just Do …

Collection of memos

Who doesn’t love learning how the inner workings of famous companies work? We can learn how people actually think and communicate. I’ve pulled together all the internal memos that got made public for your reading, nerdy pleasure. A lot of companies blog about being fecked. You might like this blog Help, We’re Being Disrupted! Apple Steve Jobs “Top 100” agenda …

Why we invested

Why we invested. Venture capital firms share why they backed startups

Tl;dr: If you are interested to know why venture capital firms invested in startups, fortunately, many VCs write blogs I term “Why we invested” since that’s often the title they use. This is a mega-collection of VCs sharing these thoughts that I spent a few days collecting. The value for investors is to gather learnings for your own decision-making process. …

Venture Capital Investment Memo Collection

Venture Capital Investment Memo Collection

Tl;dr; Collection of VC investment memos to invest in tech startups that have been made public by the GPs of the firms. Some are full and others are commentary as that’s the best that I can find.  If you are a startup and venture capital nerd, you have a list of cool things you’d love to know about. The problem …

Pitch deck collection pages

Tech pitch deck collection

Do you need to write a tech pitch deck for your startup fundraise? Wondering what the decks look like? Here are all the tech decks available online you should be taking notes from. Because there are so many “techy” startups and not many decks around, anyone doing hard stuff I’ve just dumped them into this box. If you want to …