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PITCH THINKING #1: What pitch material do you need?

What pitch material do you need?

Tl;dr: Basic intro to pitch decks and the 5 main types of pitch deck material you can make

Cool! So you’re about to raise, or want to at some point and are thinking… um, what’s all this pitch decky stuff I keep hearing about?

Trust me, I didn’t have a clue either.

What matters is you learn. You weren’t born knowing everything! I’m going to help you go from zero to, well not hero, but not a n00b anyway, ha! I’m straight up.

I’ve spent way too much time with decks so I couldn’t help but get my head around them. They’re no more fun for me to write now, but there IS A FORMULA!

In this course, I promise you only two things:

  1. You will not make one rookie mistake that makes VCs think you are a muppet
  2. You will make a deck that will not suck (I can’t promise it will be amazing though)

This may seem like a low bar of a promise, but buddy, you’ll be ahead of 80% of founders already. Your deck(s) do not need to be perfect, they need to not suck.

I am not going to teach you about the content to include and how to actually write that. That’s another series. You’ll learn how to think about your deck.

So what are we going to cover in this course?

This was originally an email course but founders kept asking for all the emails at once, so I’ve put them up on my blog. Boom beatches!

There are 11 parts to this course. You can click through them one by one:

  1. What pitch material do you need?
  2. What is a good deck?
  3. The importance of narrative
  4. What are the key questions investors will want to get from your deck?
  5. How to approach writing decks
  6. The flick test
  7. Who do you trust with the pitch deck? Can I have an NDA?
  8. How do you know if your deck is good?
  9. How to send your deck to investors
  10. Formatting your deck
  11. 25 tips

If you can’t face them all at once, you can join the course and get these sent straight to your mailbox here:

Ok. Let’s just get into part 1. I know you hate BS filler as I do.

You need a pitch deck

You’re raising? Yes, you need a deck and it needs to be decent and a little pretty too.

The only exception is if you are famous and had an exit. I know people like the founder of Secret who did not have a deck… but they didn’t need one. You are not that guy.

Here’s David telling me that fact.

Don’t trust me, here’s what a dude I know at a VC in London thinks:

As an investor, having a well-designed deck is critical. If I’ve never met the founders and a mutual acquaintance first put us in touch, it is the deck that acts as the first impression and hence, it is very important to make it count. A poorly designed deck makes me feel like the founders don’t take pride in their work.A well designed deck is able to communicate clearly what the company is doing and why I should be excited to take the first meeting. So never discount the importance of spending time to get the best design possible for your deck. It will only increase the likelihood of getting in front of investors. — Scott Sage, Venture Capitalist

If you need help with your pitch deck, head to Perfect Pitch Deck. That’s my expert-level business.

Why do you need a good deck?

There are other reasons, but you get the point?

Tools have a purpose

You don’t use a hammer for a screw.

You don’t use a 60-page tome as an intro.

You need to have multiple documents that are fit for their purpose.

Understand that investors don’t care till they do. When they are thinking of writing you a fat check, then yeah, they will read your data room, and that 60-page doc is pretty useful. The fundraising process is about the escalation of commitment.

What docs do you need?

I’m focusing on pitch material here, not models and the process, but:

There are other kinds of material you ‘could’ have. If you want to read more about fundraising material, check out this blog.

A metrics deck is one example. You can see an example of a metrics deck from Rippling here.

Where do you save all this?

Simple. Set up a Dropbox account (if you don’t already) and save everything in a ‘final’ folder.

Clearly label each document so you don’t send the wrong one by mistake. You can also have the forward-able email saved in a Word doc so you have it to hand.


There are all the pitch docs you need. Now you need to make them 😉 Yay!

Yes, investors will ask for other, specific information, but these are the basics you need.

To read the next installment, click here: What is a good deck?

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