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What is Monthly Recurring Revenue Closed vs Quota? What is the formula and why it is important

Are you looking to boost your monthly recurring revenue (MRR) closed vs quota? As any business owner knows, having the right strategies in place is critical for achieving success. In this blog post, we’ll take a close look at what it takes to achieve MRR goals and how you can maximize your success by developing effective methods for increasing your closed-vs-quota metrics.

What is Monthly Recurring Revenue Closed Vs Quota?

Monthly Recurring Revenue Closed Vs Quota is a key metric for any SaaS company since it helps gauge the performance level of their sales team. MRR Closed measures what new MRR has actually been onboarded, whereas Quota represents the goal set for the sales team to be achieved within a certain period.

This gives an objective measure of how well the sales team is performing in terms of closing deals, and whether they are able to meet the company’s expectations. It also provides insights into what strategies can be improved upon or implemented further down the line. By measuring MRR Closed vs Quota, businesses can ensure they are hiring high-performance teams and optimizing their sales activities so they can get maximum ROI.

Why Is It Important For Businesses To Track Their Monthly Recurring Revenue Closed Vs Quota?

It is no exaggeration to say that tracking monthly recurring revenue (MRR) closed vs quota is a critical part of running a business. By observing trends in the difference between closed and goal for any given month, businesses can accurately measure the success of their sales efforts and develop effective strategies for improvement.

It also serves as an important performance indicator for employees, managers, and entire companies alike, showing areas where further effort is needed. Crucially, monitoring MRR closed vs quota gives businesses tangible information about the health of their sales pipeline and allows them to react proactively instead of simply reacting to events after they have occurred.

With such insight into performance, it’s easy to see why tracking MRR closed vs quota is so important – businesses cannot hope to grow with success if they don’t understand what stands in their way.

How do you calculate Monthly Recurring Revenue Closed Vs Quota?     

Calculating MRR Closed Vs Quota is as simple as dividing the total MRR that has been closed by the total MRR quota set for a specific period of time. For instance, if a sales rep has managed to close $8,000 worth of MRR against a current quota of $10,000 then their MRR Closed Vs Quota would be 80%. Keeping track of this metric helps organizations make informed decisions about hiring, training and setting quotas for their sales teams.

Here’s the formula:

MRR Closed / MRR Quota = MRR Closed vs Quota

What factors affect Monthly Recurring Revenue Closed Vs Quota?

The most important factor that affects Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) closed versus quota is the sales team’s ability to accurately forecast future revenue. This includes a thorough understanding of their pipeline, customer profiles, and industry trends.

Additionally, a company should consider the impact of changes in pricing on MRR achieved. It is also important to measure the effectiveness of sales and marketing processes by tracking changes in lead-to-close rates and conversion rates.

Finally, seasonal patterns should be taken into account when setting quotas. Analyzing prior performance as well as competitor activity can help anticipate any shifts in market conditions that may affect future revenue. Accurate forecasting allows companies to set realistic expectations for their sales team and identify any potential issues that could impede success.

By closely monitoring MRR performance, organizations can ensure greater success in achieving their revenue goals.

What is a good Monthly Recurring Revenue Closed Vs Quota?

Monthly Recurring Revenue Closed Vs Quota is an essential metric for success for businesses by giving a clear indication of their performance. Having a 10-20% ratio between the two can be considered a strong benchmark to strive towards, showing that efforts are being made to meet or exceed the targeted revenues.

This dependable metric gives businesses an idea of whether they are hitting their targets and allows them to make informed decisions about future investments and strategies in order to maximize potential revenue streams.

Strategies To Increase Monthly Recurring Revenue Closed Vs Quota

Leverage customer segmentation:

Identifying and targeting different customer segments can help to focus sales efforts toward those most likely to buy, and those that have the most potential for long-term growth.

Focus on upselling and cross-selling:

To increase MRR, businesses should emphasize strategies that will encourage existing customers to upgrade or add features and services.

Offer discounts and incentives:

Offering discounts, coupons, and other incentives can also help to increase MRR by motivating customers to purchase more frequently.

Increase customer engagement:

Engaging customers through regular outreach efforts such as newsletters, special offers, and surveys can help to build relationships and encourage customers to make additional purchases.

Increase sales rep productivity:

Training and equipping sales reps with the right tools can help them close more deals in less time, resulting in higher MRR.

Improve lead conversion rates:

Optimizing lead capture processes and improving lead qualification methods can help to ensure that sales reps are working on the most qualified leads and will help to increase conversion rates.

Establish a transparent pricing structure:

Making sure customers understand your pricing structure is essential for closing deals more quickly and efficiently. It also helps to build trust with customers.

Track MRR KPIs:

Analyzing the right KPIs and metrics can help to identify areas of improvement and opportunities for increasing MRR. This helps to ensure that efforts are focused in the right direction.

Utilize customer feedback:

Collecting and analyzing customer feedback can help to uncover areas of improvement as well as potential upsell opportunities.

Monitor the competition:

Keeping an eye on the competition is essential for staying ahead of the curve when it comes to pricing, offerings, and other factors that could impact sales.

By focusing on these strategies, businesses can increase MRR and improve their overall sales performance. Implementing these strategies will also help to ensure that sales teams are consistently meeting or exceeding their quota.


The formula is simple. If you want to increase your monthly recurring revenue, close more deals at or above quota. However, increasing closed business requires a front-to-back approach that encompasses everything from identifying the right opportunities to building relationships with key decision makers within those accounts. By following these steps, you can confidently take on larger quotas and turn them into Closed/won business month after month.

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