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What is Employee Net Promoter Score? What is the formula and why it is important

Employee Net Promoter Score

Did you know that there’s a way to measure employee engagement and loyalty? It’s called the Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS), and it’s a great way to see how your employees feel about their work. In this blog post, we’ll explain what eNPS is and how you can use it to improve employee engagement in your organization. Stay tuned!

What Is Employee Net Promoter Score?

Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is a method built around the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to measure employee loyalty. It seeks to gauge how willing your employees are to recommend their workplace to their family or friends. It does this by asking them a single question: “How likely are you to recommend your workplace to a family member or friend?” Employees are then asked to rate the question on a scale of 0-10, with 10 being the most likely to recommend their workplace. 

Why Is It Important For Businesses To Track Their Employee Net Promoter Score?

Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is a critical tool for businesses to measure the satisfaction and engagement level of their employees. It provides an important metric to help identify areas where improvements or changes can be made in order to increase employee performance, loyalty, and morale. Companies with higher eNPS scores tend to outperform their competitors in terms of employee retention, customer satisfaction and overall growth.

By tracking their eNPS score over time, businesses can gain valuable insight into what their employees are thinking and feeling. This information can be used to adjust strategies and make changes that will benefit both the business and its employees. 

For example, if a company discover that their employees are not satisfied with the workplace environment or pay structures that employees feel disconnected from their work, they can make changes to improve collaboration and communication. Additionally, tracking eNPS scores helps companies understand which initiatives are working and which ones aren’t so that resources can be allocated more efficiently. 

Another reason why it is important for businesses to track their employee Net Promoter Score is to identify areas where improvements need to be made. By understanding what employees are thinking and feeling, businesses can address any issues that may be preventing them from reaching their goals.

By tracking their employee Net Promoter Score, businesses can gain a better understanding of how their employees are feeling and use this information to make better decisions. This data also provides them with valuable insight into what initiatives are working and which ones need to be improved.

Employee Net Promoter Score Respondent Categories

Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) respondent categories are used to differentiate between different levels of employee feedback. They provide employers with more insight into their employees’ sentiments and well-being.    

  The most commonly used eNPS respondent categories are promoters, passives, and detractors.


They employees who give very positive feedback and are highly engaged with their work. They are typically the most loyal employees, often voicing their enthusiasm for the company and its mission. On a scale of 0-10, promoters typically give ratings of 9 or 10.


Passives are employees who are somewhat satisfied but lack enthusiasm about their job or employer. These employees may be content but don’t feel passionate enough to go out of their way to promote the company. On a scale of 0-10, passives typically give ratings of 7 or 8.


Detractors are employees who are dissatisfied with their job or employer and may be resistant to change. They often voice negative opinions and don’t do much to support the company’s goals.  On a scale of 0-10, detractors typically give ratings of 0-6.

eNPS respondent categories are an effective way for employers to measure employee sentiment and understand how their employees feel about the company.

How Do You Calculate Employee Net Promoter Score?

To calculate an organization’s eNPS, all you need to do is ask employees two questions: How likely are you to recommend our company as a great place to work to your friends and family? And on a scale of 0-10, how satisfied are you with your job? Employees who answer 9 or 10 are considered “promoters,” while those who answer 0-6 are “detractors.” The eNPS is then calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of   promoters. A positive eNPS score indicates that more employees are promoters than detractors, while a negative score indicates the opposite.   

 Here’s the formula:

( ( # of Promoters# of Detractors ) / Total # of Respondents ) * 100 = eNPS  

What Factors Affect The Employee Net Promoter Score?

There are several factors that can affect an employee’s eNPS, including:

Job Satisfaction:     

Employees who are happy and satisfied with their job are more likely to be promoters of their employer than those who are unhappy or dissatisfied.

Work Environment: 

If employees don’t feel like they’re respected or appreciated, they will not want to recommend their workplace to others. Creating a positive and inclusive work atmosphere is key to having a high eNPS.


Fair and competitive pay, benefits, and perks are essential for any employee’s satisfaction. If salaries, bonuses, or other rewards do not meet expectations, employees may be less likely to recommend their employer.


Employees tend to look up to their leaders and take cues from their behaviour. If managers are inspiring, supportive, and motivating, employees will be more likely to give a positive rating on the eNPS survey.


Acknowledging and rewarding employees for good work is a great way to show appreciation and raise morale. Companies that recognize employee efforts have higher eNPS scores.

Career Opportunities:    

Having a plan for professional development is important for employee engagement and loyalty. Employees who feel like their employer is investing in them are more likely to be promoters of the company.

By understanding these factors, employers can create an environment that will result in higher eNPS ratings and make their organization more attractive to potential employees.

What Is A Good Employee Net Promoter Score?  

While there is no magic number, anything above 50 is considered good, and anything above 75 is considered excellent. businesses that score high on the eNPS tend to have lower turnover rates and higher levels of employee engagement. They also tend to be more successful in attracting and retaining top talent.

If your business isn’t measuring its eNPS, now is the time to start. It’s a simple yet powerful way to gauge employee satisfaction and identify areas where you can improve.

Examples Of Employee Net Promoter Score    

Nationwide eNPS

Company X received 5000 responses from North American employees and 1000 responses from LATAM employees to measure their employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Breaking down these responses, they found 100 Detractors (0-6 range) in the North American response, 500 Passives (7-8 range), and 4400 Promoters (9-10 range). This resulted in an eNPS of 86 (calculation: 4400-100/5000 *100).

For the LATAM responses, they found 400 Detractors, 100 Passives and 500 Promoters, resulting in an eNPS of 10 (calculation: 500-400/1000 * 100). This low eNPS score indicates the need for further analysis of the reasons behind it.     

Regionwide eNPS

The same organization administered employee Net Promoter Score surveys in the six regions of North America. The responses were tallied, and their computed eNPS score was as follows:  

It is evident that Region 6 needs to boost employee satisfaction in order to generate a better eNPS score.

Citywide eNPS

Let’s say that the same organization has five offices in the same city and wished to assess their eNPS score. They sent out a survey to all employees at each of the five locations, and after applying the formula they obtained these results:

Office 3’s eNPS score of 60 indicates that it needs to take steps to improve employee experience and satisfaction in order to raise its score.

eNPS calculation can be used at various levels, as these examples demonstrate.

Strategies To Improve The Employee Net Promoter Score For Your Business

Improving your organization’s eNPS can have a positive effect on employee morale, productivity, and customer satisfaction. Here are some strategies to help you improve your organization’s eNPS:

Leverage feedback loops

By creating a culture of open dialogue between managers and employees, you can gain valuable insights into how the workplace is operating and what changes need to be made to promote employee satisfaction. You can use surveys, employee forums and interviews to gain feedback regarding job satisfaction, company values and other important concerns.

Foster a sense of purpose 

Employees need to feel connected to the mission and culture of the organization in order to remain engaged and motivated. Connecting employees to the “why” behind their work helps to build loyalty and trust. Encourage employees to share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences within the company.

Invest in ongoing learning and development

Create opportunities for employees to learn new skills, expand their knowledge base, or develop their leadership capabilities. Provide training on topics related to their roles as well as those that are outside their area of expertise.

Promote a work/life balance

An employee’s job should not be their entire life; they need time to rest, relax, and enjoy other activities. Encourage employees to take regular breaks during the day and take vacations when necessary. Offer flexible hours or telecommuting options if possible.

Create an inclusive workplace     

An inclusive workplace helps to foster trust and respect, as well as improve communication between employees and management. Encourage employees of different backgrounds and experiences to collaborate on projects and share their perspectives.

By implementing some of these strategies, you can help to improve your organization’s eNPS score. 


An Employee Net Promoter Score is a tool used by businesses to measure employee satisfaction. By taking the time to listen to your employees and take their feedback seriously, you can create a happier and more productive workplace. Implementing an Employee Net Promoter Score system in your business can help you improve morale and retention, resulting in a better bottom line for your company.  

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