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Real VC feedback on a founder’s startup

Real feedback from a VC to a founder

Tl;dr: Confidential feedback from a venture capital investor after a startup met her so you can learn how investors think about startups and the feedback they would give to friends privately.

I had a call with a VC friend about a startup. Over an hour (We chatted shite too) she gave me her honest, unfiltered feedback about a startup I introduced to her. She is my friend so she said whatever she thought. I made notes from the call for the founder.

I gave the anonymized feedback to the founder (Who has met a lot of VCs I introduced her to) and it was honestly a game changer for her. How she performed in meetings changed dramatically. She also took the feedback on the chin and internalized it (which is critical). She loved actual unfiltered feedback (via me) from an investor.

I randomly shared the even more anonymized feedback with a client in the UK who was struggling with pitching (Mainly confidence having done the mom thing for years and forgetting she is a badass mother of dragons when she was in banking) and she learned from reading it. I asked her if I should write a blog on it to help you and she said absolutely. So here you go.

These are my actual notes from a real VC feedback call and what I sent the founder. You need to grok that this stuff is NEVER shared! You are highly unlikely to ever see a blog like it again. I might actually get in trouble if they read it, but I’ve anonymized this a lot so you won’t ever know who it is. I think there need to be more learning resources and making the esoteric stuff is my specialty (If you have the ovaries/balls to share sensitive topics to help other founders, please email me).

Some background is needed here. I introduced the founder to the VC for a friendly feedback chat. It was not set up as a pitch meeting. Only, turns out it was actually a pitch meeting. You always need to be selling! I am not kidding. Always be on A game when you meet an investor as you never know.

When I mention the ‘girl’ it’s the founder. The feedback is about her.

VC feedback notes

Feedback from a VC call just now, pretty much word for word. Obv conf. There are a lot of really important takeaways you need to implement urgently to help. Happy to help you.


Conclusion on the VC feedback

I’m going on a limb sharing this… I’m all about helping founders achieve their dreams through education, so I’m sharing. Don’t be a dick and try dig into who this is as you are against the spirit of my blog. I’m sharing this as I know that there is a lot of feedback you can learn from as you are doing the same things wrong. I want to help you do more of the right things.

If you have some great learnings to share, shout out in the comments and lets debate! What did you learn from this feedback?

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