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VC investment thesis: Savannah Fund – Mbwana Alliy – Africa

savannah fund investment thesis

Here is the Savannah Fund investment thesis.

The Managing Partner of Savannah Fund based in Kenya posted his investment thesis in 2 parts, in 2012 and 2013. It is without a doubt the longest investment thesis I have read to date and more in blog format than a precis you would expect LPs to read. One noticeable part is the contextualization of his investment focus, given the dynamics in Africa

Not being the most well known fund, here is their summary:

Savannah Fund is a seed capital fund specializing in US$25,000-US$500,000 investments in early stage high growth technology (web and mobile) startups in sub-Saharan Africa. Initially focused on East Africa, the fund aims to bridge the early stage/angel and venture capital investment gap that currently exists in Africa. The Fund expects to achieve this objective by combining capital with mentor networks both in the region and from  Silicon Valley via an accelerator program  and a follow-on independent seed fund.

Investment Thesis Part 1: What we do and don’t fund

In a recent Forbes article, I outlined the need for investors in Africa of all types to get better at messaging what areas they invest in. Its not enough to just say “we are an early stage tech investor” anymore. The technology scene is getting larger and more and more startups, regions and verticals are interested or building tech ventures. More importantly different investors have different approaches. For instance, it is easy to try lump different types of entrepreneurship (the primary customer of an investor) under one banner. I segmented out the 3 areas the way I see it:

  1. 1) Survival Entrepreneurship: In Africa’s high unemployment market characterized by low skilled informal/semi formal businesses- impact investors, many with experience in microfinance or financial inclusion, target these entrepreneurs in their mission to help communities climb out of poverty and earn a sustainable income. If not the entrepreneurs directly, they target the base of the pyramid as customers for the startups for basic services like water, solar lighting etc…
  2. 2) Lifestyle Business: Business of up to 5-25 employees with founders wanting to control their destiny, often the business can be a family one. This is actually a dominant form of entrepreneurship in Africa and around the world, there are very few Zuckerbergs, but there are many entrepreneurs running a small business. Everything from restaurants to increasingly mobile apps with a niche but attractive enough audience generating income from App stores. Closer to tech and Africa, it might be a freelancer at the iHub doing consulting work. These businesses would love to grow bigger, but typically not outside their own borders or scope of founder’s skills and talent.
  3. 3) High Growth Venture: Typically characterized by a founder with a bold vision, highly skilled technical ability, willing to take a big risk and willing to bring on partners (inc. investors, strong cofounders) to make their mission a reality. Should they succeed they generate high returns for their investors and generate 1,000s of jobs. Paul Graham’s Startup=Growth Essay is an extreme take on this type of entrepreneur and what they should focus on at all costs. Professor Isenberg from Harvard, hits the nail on the head as well with realizing that there is a danger offocusing too much on startup creation vs focusing on their growth.

All 3 are vitally important to African economies and some entrepreneurs may even go through all 3 in 1 venture (although very unlikely- more likely Lifestyle to High Growth) or try all three as separate ventures. At Savannah Fund we are interested in the 3rd High Growth (and consequentially, high risk) type of entrepreneurship which matches up well with technology (web and mobile) sector given the ability to scale out fast and hence achieve rapid growth. It also means we use equity and very little debt initially to get the business going. We bet on the founder and aim to be their business partner, connecting them to both our local and Silicon Valley mentor and investment community who have experience and focus 100% on tech. That’s why for instance, we use a coding test as our filter in the absence of products in the accelerator to ensure that one of the founders is technically outstanding to carry the startup through the long journey and likely many pivots required in iterating the product. Strong technical ability also is a good prerequisite of being able to understand metrics and be coachable in other areas of business- you hope the other founder has these qualities inc. high risk appetite and ability to sell and hire future employees. The founders typically are very “mission driven”, this is very different to impact investors who focus on specific do-gooder goals. One litmus test of this type of entrepreneur is whether they have $1 to their name or $1M, they remained razor focused on achieving their growth goals.

A good book that does a good job further outlining the importance of different approaches to founding a company is Founder’s Dilemma that I reference many times to entrepreneurs and bring up in various slide decks. It’s critically important we apply this type of thinking to African startups since in the early days,  entrepreneurs have little local reference of what it is like to grow a VC backed venture- it is also further complicated with the rise of “social enterprises” (more on this later).

Traditionally a VC firm may outline an investment thesis (Example: take a look at Union Square Ventures) – they have to do this formally when they raise money from their limited partners. We do the same. At the same time, technology changes so fast;  what was hot last year may no longer be hot today. Entrepreneurs over time should be able to deduce from the fund’s portfolio what type of companies fit and more importantly if the investment firm fits your startup. We have been around 6 months and made 1 formal Seed/Series A investment and as of today we have launched our accelerator with 4 startups selecting down from 170 applicants. But we are still early days, hence the need for this post to better clarify our goals and help entrepreneurs reaching out to us.

In the rest of this and next post, I will start to outline our current thesis more broadly as we see what is out there and iterate on our own thinking:

Investment Thesis Part 2: What We Do or Don’t Fund. Ready for the Startup Journey

Business plans and market analysis? No. Get on the Journey to Product-Market Fit
Plans are worth exactly the paper they are written on in the early stage startup world. Plans don’t get funded to succeed, traction and results do– at least for smart entrepreneurs that we want to work with. We have seen the best plans go to waste because startups can’t execute, inspire and grow a team. We have seen startups that think winning awards or having a conference speaking slot is traction vs talking to and working with customers. We have seen startups that spend most of their time talking to mobile operators and corporates vs solidifying their own product and getting customer feedback quickly.  The business plan is rigid and it only shows you might be good at writing, heck maybe its someone else’s business plan that you borrowed, cloned or worse that a consultant helped you write that you don’t even believe in. We believe in the principles of the lean startup (Eric Ries) and/or customer development (Steve Blank). Launch, don’t perfect, move fast, get early validation on key assumptions quickly.  If you rely too much on a plan, you are not dynamic enough to do a pivot when the world changes around you, or more likely your customers. The best market research is your own customer insight learnt by working on your business not something you researched from McKinsey reports or worse, CIA factbook on Africa. The best market research is when you have a customer who has paid you and is actively using your product, you should slap any consultant in the face when you can show them a repeatable cycle that brings in cash whilst keeping customers happy. In Africa, formal market research can be expensive and stale, so I embed a slide below around different methods of doing this- but its not substitute for 1st hand research as part of the startups. Mo Ibrahim was pretty crazy to launch a mobile operator business in Africa– there was no “market” for cell phones for cellphones in Africa right? Now Smartphones?

Market sizing for the africa startup from Mbwana Alliy

Startups, are a journey, with many twists and turns, to product market fit, where things take off- this is often where an accelerator can help- in the Savannah accelerator, we act as a sounding board by bringing on the resources, from iHub UX lab to the mentors to act as a compass guide- the best startups use these resources wisely whilst focusing on the business, not getting distracting- it is NOT AN MBA. If you are not learning something new about your customers and how to improve your product every week you are failing, if you spend the entire time in accelerator time launching and not getting any early feedback and traction you are failing- you are bound to run out of money by demo day and turn into a “zombie” startup.

It takes a team- a solid team- And it starts with a strong technical foundation
By far the biggest filter we have as Savannah Fund is the technical ability within a team- many startups outsource their technology to India or Eastern Europe, even worse some startups cobble something together in wordpress for the purposes of applying to the accelerator. We can see right though this, sometimes we will entertain the startup that has outsourced the tech for practical reasons and has been working on a full time CTO, but that’s the exception rather than the rule. It is possible to show a level of traction without a CTO, but before long that will start to catch up with you when you start to have bugs or need to rapidly pivot the business. A smart CEO will understand that outsourcing means managing “technical debt”. And in Africa, many startups simply won’t scale due to the sheer weight of the technical debt by not having a solid technical foundation. Of course, I am not blind to the fact that it’s hard to find qualified talent, having a great mission and good leadership can inspire great technical talent to join your team. So when a startup is doing something uninspiring like, cloning an existing business and no clear differentiation, they should not be surprised when they can’t attract a good technical leaders and talent. Having a good technical team means that you are well equipped for the ride and often at the end there is a product and maybe even IP to salvage, should things go wrong, most of the time you play the game again by pivoting vs thinking you are rebuilding the castle from the drawing board. Since every business in the future is likely to have a software component in it, this is an important issue for African startups to think about- if you don’t, someone from China, India or Silicon Valley will do so and come into the market. We believe that innovation relies on technical ability, in house ability, to cope with the startup journey.

Business Acumen = Traction and Adaptation

On the business side, its extremely simple- are startups solving a problem or addressing an unmet customer need? Are they doing this better than anyone else and the competition? Typically a unique customer insight or usage with key metrics acts as evidence beyond the idea and a pretty site or app. E.g. We signed up 100 customers, 50 come back every week and 10 are paying is better than 1,000 registered users who signed up the product after the one of many African contests or press articles. Sometimes its obvious when we sign up to use the product and it works like magic, but of course its impossible to test the product when its not even available in the market because some startups have “launch jitters”, which often

Often the case is that entrepreneurs have outsourced core technology so they focus on perfecting for a big launch since they paid so much to developers that they want to get it right vs having a CTO on board that can change course on  daily basis as quickly as the “plan changes”. The reality is that many businesses don’t look exactly as they do in the business plan from day one, but its the ability to adapt from new learning that’s the environment that a good startup thrives.

Looking back at our 10 investments to date, this thesis has been remarkably consistent to those that are succeeding vs those who are struggling, particularly when it comes to generating revenue, an all important metric for raising follow on financing to keep staying in the game and to scale out. In future we will post more as to what lessons they have learnt that are unique to the African environment by sharing  it on this blog. Even as Savannah Fund, we learn as we go along with every new investment what works and we also urge investors to take more risks in investing startup traits that succeed for the journey vs perfect plans that are never really perfect.

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