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I have a billion dollar idea, where can I find co-founders I can trust and who will not steal my idea?

Your idea is probably crap. Sorry mate.

If it’s not crap it’s likely not new.

Unless you really are an industry expert and have a real insight it’s prob not new. In which case, as an expert, how do you not know people already?

But ideas are pointless anyway, execution is what matters.

Some dude tried suing Uber a while back as they copied his idea. Boo f****** hoo. He had an idea and did nothing about it.

Travis is a machine and made an idea a multi-billion dollar company. Everyone that complains about him can go start their own company. Oh wait, they don’t, they just complain about benefits.

You see Travis knew how to get great people, as execution matters.

So great, you have an idea. You don’t know any good people. But you have an idea… So.

If you are worried about an idea, you are worried about the wrong thing.

If you are worried about people stealing your idea you are actually worried anyone else will out execute you in a level playing field.

Sure, VCs are definitely going to queue up to back you.

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