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How do you start a billion dollar company from scratch?

I can share some thoughts from 3.

First rule of fight club is you have no ******* idea it will be a unicorn.

Anyone who says otherwise is full of ****. It’s like the victor rewriting history.

So your question is actually something you ask a Tarot card reader.

It’s a dumb question.

There are things you can do to improve your chances though.

I’m trying to give you an actual answer, but there is no fricking play book. It’s all too much to explain.

You start something and you are LUCKY.

You have a SERIOUS team

**** works…


Do more of that.

Bring in people smarter than you and delegate.

Raise money.

Holy **** IPO time!?

The better question is how can I validate a startup idea before starting?

How do you validate a startup idea? –

You don’t just ‘start’ a unicorn unless you are really smart.

I’ve consulted for founders that have engineered a unicorn from the start, but they are smarter and richer than you (they already exited unicorns).

There are a lot of unicorns these days, but the notion of unicorn actually meant WTF before.

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