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99 problems and the CEO is one. Springowl hunts for Marissa’s head at Yahoo!

Springowl yahoo! presentation fund

Eric Jackson, a fund manager at SpringOwl just launched a major attack on Marissa Mayer as Yahoo CEO. The heat is really on now and Yahoo? is edging into play.

After making the lives of all his staff miserable in the composition of a deck, similar in size to War and Peace, he sent a 99-page presentation to Yahoo’s board outlining his case for why Yahoo should drop Mayer as CEO and find new management. I personally think it should have been entitled “99 problems and the CEO is one.”

Funnily enough, the fund is only $300m! Eric wants others to rally around the plan or how he wants to correct things.

The deck is below. There is an enormous amount of tech history, datasets and proof that guys can be mean girls too. Highly recommend having a gander.

Springowl presentation on Yahoo!

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